Thursday, 2 April 2015

A woman of her Age

I will always cherish a day when I watched her on Tv interviewing president Mugabe, beautiful woman set on comfortable couch in presidential area interviewing one of the famous leader of East Africa.
 As I notice her analysis as she pose for a question for Mr President, Christian Amanpour she knows exactly why she asking those kind of question trying to get to know how president think.

It was a day to remember, one of my friends invited me to her house for breakfast and she was watching CNN international and before I had no access to CNN and that when I got my inspiration. She inspires me in a way that I want to get to understand more how she does her things.

Amanpour tells a story from a different perspective, and often adds her personal experiences. The second one is typically an interview with a high profile news maker or politician

Amanpour Is a global affairs interview television program hosted by Christiana Amanpour, airing weeknights 9 pm and 11 pm CET on CNN International (CNNI). The show first aired on CNNI and CNN/US from September 2009, but ended in April 2010 due to Amanpour's departure from the network to ABanC News. In 2011, Amanpour returned to CNN under an arrangement that allowed her to continue as a global affairs anchor at ABC News. As a result, the show returned on April 16, 2012

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Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Tutafika kweli kwenye uhuru tuutakao

Kila mwaka mei tatu waandishi wa habari duniani kote hukumbuka siku yavyombo vya habari , siku hii ni mahususi kwa kuziangalia changamoto na mafanikio katika tasnia ya habari nchini Tanzania.

Miaka minne iliyopita siku hii ya waandishi iliingia dosari kubwa mno baada ya mwandishi wa habari aliyekuwa mwenyekiti wa klabu ya waandishi mkoani iringa Daudi Mwangosi kuuwa katika mazingira tata na jeshi la polisi.

Hapo ndipo jitihada zikaongezwa katika kuzipigania haki za waandishi wa habari nchini Tanzania lakini kuna shida kubwa sana katika utendaji wao zinazosababishwa na kutokuwapo na uhuru wa vyombo vya habari wa kiwango cha kutosheleza
Tafsiri ya Uhuru wa vyombo vya habari inaelezwa pale   vyombombo vya habari vinapoweza kutoa taarifa ama ripoti zenye ukweli mtupu kwa masuala ya kijamii bila kujalisha ni mema au la kwa ajili ya faida ya taifa
Kwa mujibu wa kituo cha stan hope vyombo vya habari nchini Tanzania havikuwa na chachu ya kuibua mambo mazito kwa takribani miaka kumi iliyopita sababu inayotajwa ni kwamba uwepo wa chama kimoja kinachoongoza nchi kuwa na umiliki wa magazeti na redio ambazo hazikuwa zikitumika kwa ajili ya maslah ya taifa moja kwa moja bali kwa makusudi ya waliovianzisha

Leo hii nchi ya Tanzania inafurahia zaidi ya magazeti 400 na kwa kiwango kikubwa yanafikisha ujumbe wake kwa kutumia lugha ya taifa ya kishwahili. Ingawa kiwango kikubwa cha magazeti haya yapo jijini dar es salaam lakini pia tuna takribani zaidi ya vituo vya luninga 10, na kiwango kikubwa sana cha redio haya ni mafanikio ya kujitamba.

Ingawa katiba ya nchi ya Tanzania inatoa fursa ya uhuru wa vyombo vya habari bado kuna changamoto ya kubanwa kwa maeneo mengi ya kazi za kiuandishi takribani  kuna sheria 17 ambazo zinawabana waandishi ama vyombo vya habari kufanya kazi zao kwa umakini

Kumekuwapo na taarifa kadhaa za serikali kuendelea kufifungia vyombo kadhaa hususani magazeti na wavuti pindi wanapokuwa na habari zenye uchambuzi wa kuikosoa serikali kwa kiwango kikubwa

Madhalani Sheria ya usalama wa taifa inatoa ruhusa kwa serikali kutoa adhabu kwa taarifa zozote za kiuchunguzi zinazoweza kugusia taarifa ambazo zinaitwa za siri

Hata hivyo hakuna mshikamano dhabiti baina ya waandishi wa habari wa Tanzania na hata hawana umoja unaoweza kusimama kidete kutetea maslah yao kinachofanyika ni kumshukuru mungu walau kuna amani lakini waandishi wa habari wana budi ya kutafuta mbinu ya kuwaweka umoja dhubuti utakaoweza kuwasimamia maslahi yao.

Changamoto kadhaa bado zinawakumba waandishi, ufinyu wa maarifa na elimu duni inawakosesha haki hata pale wanapokuwa na haki ya kupata taarifa mbalimbali ingawa mara kadhaa idara mbalimbali za serikali zimeripotiwa kuwa mbele katika kuwanyima waandishi haki ya kupata taarifa.

Taarifa hii ni uchambuzi wangu kutoka kwenye mtandao

A Day to Remember

It’s a second day of the training at Open University of Tanzania Mbeya branch where journalists and stake holders are gathered to learn more about internet investigative journalism.

Peik Johansson facilitating the training on internet investigative journalism 

Personally, i have learn about blogging and how to customize my blog to look better and adding more features, but the most important thing is doing research that can suit my stories and think first before do anything. Journalistic research via internet and how to structure my stories

Participants for training listening carefully to a facilitator 

Honestly, nothing i did not like  but i liked the facilitation was really nice ,especially when i learnt i have access to any organization and event the top government leaders!! Wow this is such a wonderful training i can’t afford to miss.

Food For Thought

Eat as much fresh food as possible and don't forget to involve fruits and vegetable at least in  every noon dish or dinner its helps a lot!!!!

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Free internet Boost Rwanda

Kigali city is growing faster than any East African Cities

Broadband access in Kigali city in Rwanda is now considered as an essential, just like water and electricity, the residence of Rwanda now has free wireless internet in specific areas under the Smart Kigali initiative, initiative is aimed at modernizing the lifestyle of Kigali City people and visitors through use of ICT for better service delivery.
 According to Rwanda Development Board reports, in the past five years, Rwanda has registered one of the highest Internet user growth rates in Africa with 8,900 per cent compared with the continent’s growth rate of 2,450 per cent and the world average rate of 444 per cent. Rwanda now has an Internet penetration of around 800,000 users and is targeting five million users by 2016.

Smart Kigali is a new driven technology aimed at providing free broadband Wi-Fi Internet access in public places that include commercial buildings, Bus Stations, Airport, in public transport buses and cars Improving Internet connectivity and access in Hotels and restaurants

The online automated navigation system for direction using the newly implemented street and home addressing information system. Introducing automated ticketing and taxi meters in public transport; and electronic payments systems to improve financial services.

According to the interview with New Times News paper in Kigali, Minister for Youth and ICT Jean Philbert Nsengimana said Smart Kigali will significantly contribute towards delivering better services.  

Three years ago Ministry of Youth and ICT (MYICT) ,the City of Kigali and and major Telecom Operators in partnership with other stake holders launched the Smart Kigali initiative, This initiative is aimed at modernizing the lifestyle of Kigali City dwellers and visitors through use of ICT for better service delivery.

Sources by Internet 

My Lovely Elephants


This is just a few number of animals available in Tanzania national parks but their number reduce every day as poachers approaches them.

While Tanzania has signed an agreement with the International Conservation Caucus Foundation (ICCF) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to curb the current wave of poaching. Poachers are still killings a big number of these lovely animals

They said various international communities have been inspired and motivated to support Tanzania in fighting poaching, after the government introduced operation ‘Tokomeza’ and increased routine patrol to fight the illegal business. My opinion the government must do more and more to stop poaching

I wish the government ensure that the illegal business comes to an end…and all Tanzania must speak loud wanting to save the elephants which are the most hunted
 Poaching of wildlife resources, particularly of elephant tusks has increased tremendously.

First Day of the training

My first day of investigative internet journalism training was very exiting
The training started around 8:30 am, but unhappy I was the last person to enter in to the training room, very late around 11: 15 wondering to a new face around the training room about twelve people were able to attend a training that was prepared by MISSA Tan and Vikes the finish foundation for media and development.

I was able to get few minutes to introduce myself and share my expectation in this training, I like the way participants were interactive contributing and sharing ideas and experience on the topic of the training which is internet Investigative journalism, I did not like the fact that only one lady was sharing idea on the subject while there are three in a room but well we still have two day to go I hope they will actively interact.

As dedicated as I am I was paying attention to all the detail because this subject is kind of new to me so I really needed to have to pay attention on  information and knowledge that trainer provide so today I learned the introduction of internet investigative journalism , source of knowledge on the internet and example of internet investigative reports.